Submit Your Homegrown Cannabis Pics

We at Cultivating Homegrown Organic Marijuana are excited to see the fruits of your labor and share your journey with our community. Whether you’re a seasoned grower or just starting out, we want to celebrate your success and learn from your experiences.

Here’s how it works:

Snap some high-quality photos of your cannabis plants at any stage of growth. Maybe it’s the lush greenery of the vegetative phase, the delicate beauty of flowering buds, or the impressive results of a full harvest. We want to see it all!

Once you have your photos ready, simply fill out the submission form below. Tell us a bit about your growing process, the strains you’re cultivating, and any tips or tricks you’ve discovered along the way.

And don’t forget to include your name or a nickname you’d like us to use when we share your photos on our site and social media!

By sharing your pictures, you’re not only showcasing your hard work but also inspiring and helping fellow growers in our community. We can’t wait to see your amazing plants and share your stories with everyone.

Submit your pics today and let’s grow together!